Under Pressure! 5 Easy tips for Stress Management

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Have you been feeling stressed and under pressure lately? Sadly, you’re not alone. These days, feeling overwhelmed, rushed for time, and constantly worrying about external circumstances are more commonplace than extraordinary, leaving many perpetually drained. Learning how to manage and identify symptoms of stress is an important skill that will help maintain your overall health and keep you feeling calm under pressure. Check out 5 easy tips for reducing stress below!

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1. Walk It Off

Exercise offers wide variety of benefits to the body and plays an important role in managing stress. Physical activity helps get our blood pumping, which helps increase oxygen flow to the brain and increases our natural production of endorphins. Endorphins stimulate the pleasure centers of the brain, giving us an increased sense of well-being, relaxation, and euphoria, all of which can help combat the negative feelings associated with stress. Staying active also give you a chance to re-center your mind by focusing on the activity itself instead of any aggravating circumstances.

If you’re not a fan of working out or intense exercise, there’s no need to worry. Simply going for a 10-15-minute walk, stretching, or dedicating a few moments to restful activities like yoga can work wonders!

2. Take a Break

Sometimes, the best way to navigate a difficult situation is to give yourself a chance to reset and recharge. Look for moments where you can take some time to yourself and focus your energy on activities that help you relax. Try dedicating at least 5 minutes to “you-time” and watch your stress levels lower.

3. Do a “Flip”

Flipping” the situation borrows methodology from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which encourages breaking down situations and stimuli into smaller parts that allow and individual to evaluate circumstances with greater confidence and objectivity. Try flipping a stressor into a positive by asking what aspects you can control, and what actions would help place you in the best position to succeed.

4. Breathe Deep

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to pause, inhale deeply, and exhale slowly. Repeat this process for at least 30 seconds and you’ll be amazed at how much calmer you feel. Purposeful breathing and meditation are an essential tool to keep in your “stress busting” belt!

5. Check Your Diet

Finally, if find yourself feeling more sluggish and fatigued than usual, it may be time to take stock of your diet. Our bodies need fuel. In times of stress, making sure your meals are full of important nutrients is even more essential than usual. Eating a balanced diet will give your body a change to recharge and protect itself against the additional strain introduced by challenging times.

Feeling stressed? Vivaca offers all-natural solutions to help alleviate the symptoms associated with stress, depression and anxiety. Locally produced in Alberta, Canada our Rhodiola Rosea can help you stay cool under pressure. Contact our team to learn more!
